The amount of candy they got is unreal. Way more than last year. I think it's because Boog was way more into it this year and she made sure we covered twice the area we did last year. Bell was not into it. She went a block and then wanted to be carried home. Her costume didn't even make it over to Grandmas house. She insisted on taking it off before we got a chance to go over there.

On the Potty training front we are doing very well. She won't go on her own all the time but she does about half the time. #2 is still eluding us so I am doing a lot of dunking and swishing. ugh.
I started volunteering at Boogs school once a week. It is so much fun. The children are so excited to see you. I always get " I've seen you before." or "You're Boogs mom." Yep. That's me.
1 comment:
hi baby sister, just wanted to let you know that I love you. Give the girls a big beso for me.Love muchos, ur big sister
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