Monday, January 29, 2007
Health Care
I have to say that for the past couple of years not having insurance has really made me think about the Universal Health Care Initiative. My family is by no means in the poverty situation but we are also not in an upper middle class situation either. We are smack in the middle where it's hard and you have to sacrifice some things to get by. We make to much money to be helped with Medicaid but we don't make enough to pay $500 a month on insurance. I know there are lower priced insurance out there, trust me... I know, but with those you get either/or (you choose office visits or prescriptions to be covered but not both) and it ends up not being worth the money you pay.
It's a balancing act. On Wednesday when Abby was complaining of an earache I knew that I had to send her to school because at school the nurse will look her over and call me if anything is wrong. That was my way of making sure I didn't go the doctor only to find out Abby was just being overly sensitive to something minor, which is not something I would normally assume of her but that's what I mean. I have to be sure before I do anything.
I think the Universal Health care Initiative would be great for our country. For people like me who are in the middle especially. Everything I have done, medically, comes right out of our pockets. It comes out of my children's college fund, it comes out of our vacation money, it comes out of our budget for bills, our grocery money... everything. To not have to worry about that would make many lives so much easier. I mean it's terrible that I have to weigh my options when it comes to taking my sick babies to the doctor. It's terrible I have to split the medicine for one into two thus making it less effective. It's just not necessary and that's why Universal Healthcare is completely necessary.
The only people I could think that would be against this is maybe Doctors. With this kind of thing they may take a pay cut of some kind. Would that really be all that terrible. Private practice doctors make an insane amount of money, to me, as it is so I don't think taking it down a notch would change their lifestyle all that much. I mean shouldn't they want something like this because it will improve peoples lives, which is what they are supposed to be in the business of doing anyway?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Old Man Winter

Every year Winter messes me up. I feel all discombobulated. I like being in the house but when I feel like something is making me be inside I get all rebelious. Is that cabin fever? Not sure. I haven't been sleeping well and that could have alot to do with it. It's a multitude of things. Tomorrow is a new day. I think we will take a trip to Walgreens just for the sake of sanity.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Photography Friday
Still doing natural light. I am really liking it.
The many faces of The Bell.
My little baby girl is quite busy. So very busy. She is often just a blur.
Flying. It's fun, you should try it.
I had to enhance this one because she was moving so fast she was just a ghost.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Patches need to be sewn. I have them stuck on but now I have to do the sewing around the edges.
Rick has wanted an old lunchbox like this for a while and I found one at a garage sale this Summer. I planned to have it painted and looking good by Christmas but that didn't happen so I am working on it tonight.
Abby and Ella wanted some little books to draw in and I didn't have anything for them so I made little notebooks for them out of regular notebook paper and two divider cards I got out of an old library index thing.
Abby and Ella really like the movie Chicken Little. Don't go breaking their hearts.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
100 things about me.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Lagging Behind
Here's something. I signed up to be apart of a Swap. It's super fun and I have wanted to do one for a long time. They are usually coordinated by one blogger and lots of bloggers who read her blog sign up and she pairs them up. Then you send them stuff that relates to the theme of the swap. The one I signed up for is actually for kids, just to get them involved in the whole idea of making or giving away toys and books that they want other children to enjoy.
I have been organizing my craft area. Getting all the fabric color coordinated and throwing out useless things I just bought on a whim. It's wonderful but probably boring to read about.
Abby had tonsilitis this past week so she missed the last two days of school last week. I kept her home today too, just for good measure. She gets it every year. I just let it run its coarse, no need for a huge doctors bill and unnecesary antibiotics. Ella has had a cough that is getting kind of scary though so I am watching it closely and may be taking her in if it doesn't get better soon. Rick thinks its getting better, I hope he is right.
I have no plans for tomorrow. Hasn't this just been a thrill to read? Holla. *giggles*
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Lazy Sunday.
Today we went grocery shopping. Rick and Ella are napping with the football game. Abby is making me pretend hot cocoa. It's delicious by the way.
Rick got involved in a pool at work. The person who loses the largest percentage of their body weight wins the pot. It's roughly 500 dollars so he is all about being on a diet. This makes me laugh.
I hope you are having a lazy Sunday.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Goodies and kindness
I got this childrens dresser for $8. It needs to be sanded and stained or painted. I haven't decided which.
I walked around that house for a good 30minutes trying to decide whether or not to pay $40 for this cute table and chairs. In the end I decided against and just went for the dresser. When I came back with my van for the dresser the woman ( I should have gotten her name) told me if I wanted the table she would give it to me for $20. What a steal! She told me she would much rather two little girls enjoy it rather than an antique dealer. She went on to say how she and her sister would have tea parties on the table and if she found the set of linens and the tea set she would have her son bring them over to me. I almost popped I was so excited! I thanked her about 5 times before I left that house.
The legs are the best part. They have a slight bow to them. I don't know why but the legs make it special to me.
I also got a very cute chenille bedspread with matching pillowcase for $5. I didin't get picture of it yet but when I do I will post them.
I didn't get these chairs at the sale but I wanted to share them. The smaller one was made by my Manny ( He's my step-fathers Dad.) He can make anything out of wood. The chair is called a "naughty chair" but we don't use it for that. Ella uses in mostly for watching tv. The other one is just old and worn and I love that. Maybe one day I will find something useful to do with it but for now I use it as a step-ladder because it is extremely sturdy.
On the Photography front, I have been experimenting with natural lighting. It's very difficult to take a GOOD picture with natural light but I am learning. Here are a few.
Abby likes to line up her oranges. I think it's cute.
She also likes happy faces.
My Christmas cards.
Some of the trees I blogged about before Christmas. Rick says they look more like mountains.
Just the living room in natural light.
The step-ladder chair.
Some fancy art A'la Boog and Bell. Not naturally lit, just cute. Water color is my favorite art medium, especially for kids. Abby has done some great pictures of flowers. I will post them sometime.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Over-scheduling your children.
100 Things About Me.
2. I have two really cute kids.
3. I was a lonely kid.
4. I have an older sister and younger brother.
5. I am married to Rick.
6. I am not at all interested in knitting or crocheting.
7. I am not perfect.
8. I live in Ohio.
9. I miss Colorado.
10. I miss my family.
11. I have a step-dad, his name is Ronnie.
12. My father died when I was 6.
13. I love my husband more than even he knows.
14. I am nosy.
15. I love blogs.
16. Organizing makes me happy.
17. The pictures in magazines like Martha Stewart Living and the like give me butterflies in my stomache.
18. It's hard for me to forgive deciet.
19. I cry everytime I watch Father of the Bride because it makes me sad not happy.
20. I was in the Army.
21. I am just now starting to figure out who I am and what I am good at.
22. I like country music.
23. I am a night owl. I live off about 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night.
24. I have a dog named Penny.
25. My mother was born in Texas.
26. I was born in New Mexico.
27. Never fails, everytime I hear The Star Spangled Banner I cry.
28. I try to have a total meltdown at least twice a year.
29. I knew what my daughters name was going to be when I was 16.
30. I believe in destiny.
31. I LOVE astrology and psychics and all that mojo.
32. The Office, both British and American, is the funniest show ever to be on TV.
33. Before I became a mother I was totally and completely relaxed about pretty much everything.
34. After becoming a mother I got pretty uptight about things and I am now trying to get back to the old me and chill out a little.
35. Crossing things off a list gives me a great sense of accomplishment.
36. I love photography.
37. I am on a diet. I hate saying it.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Linen Closet Color
Monday, January 01, 2007
2007 is an Odd Year... Perfect!
I'm not gonna be obtuse and say it's pure bliss but it's pretty good so far.
Christmas was humbly satisfying. We are still able to make our children happy with the little things. They don't want for tons of stuff so we can get by on our small budget. Less than a dozen gifts for each and they are content which makes me happy. You never know how long that will last so I am enjoying while I can.
New Years was great. Rick and I had a Mexican theme for the night. We had enchiladas and some special recipe mexican dip that Rick loves. (Thanks to Mom for that.) What would a mexican theme party for two be without a bottle of tequila and some margarita mix? We started drinking a little early and watched Fifty First Dates, my favorite movie. By the time the movie was over I was so stuffed and a little more than tipsy. I was ready to hit the hay. Rick was not having that so I stayed up with him and Abby. We all shared a New years Kiss.
Abby was so cute. She couldn't understand why we had to kiss. She kept asking why everyone on tv was kissing. "Ew, I don't like watching that." So funny. To be fair, some of those people could have backed off the tongue a little bit. I didn't really enjoy watching it either. Ella conked out early but I'm sure she would have felt the same.
We made cupcakes for Santa. He loved them. It's a special recipe. I'd give it to you but theres magic involved so... if you're not into that kind of thing don't even ask.
Wow! Don't get to excited about it there, Abby.
Cute stuff. Nice chocolate face.
Rick's Brother and his family came up from Alabama for a few days after Christmas and we had a great time. Shelly is so much fun it's rediculous. I feel completely at ease with her and I have only actually met her like 3 times. I guess that's what family is, huh. We had lots of fun drinking some beers and singing karaoke with the whole family in Hawaii. Just kidding, it just looks like it's hawaii. It's really Rick's Moms basement. They went all out with the Hawaiian Huki Lounge theme.
Butch, Kalle and Judi
Jason is the bald head. He's Kalle's boyfriend and the kids love him.
We also took advantage of everyone being together and took some group photos.
Kalle, Rick and Mick.
Kalle with Jason and her sweety-pie kids.
Mick and Shelly with their two boys.
Rick and I with the girlies.
Butch and Judi
With all the grandkids. Abby was not happy because her sister kept pulling her hair with her toes. What a little stinker that Bella is.
And finally everyone together. I think it took longer for me to post all these than it did to do the actual pictures.
How's that, Stacey?