Every year Winter messes me up. I feel all discombobulated. I like being in the house but when I feel like something is making me be inside I get all rebelious. Is that cabin fever? Not sure. I haven't been sleeping well and that could have alot to do with it. It's a multitude of things. Tomorrow is a new day. I think we will take a trip to Walgreens just for the sake of sanity.
I am continuing on my plight to rid the world of stained and holey clothing. My finsished project is a pair of jeans for Abby. They were very stained on the bottom, probably with mud, so I covered it all up and viola... (v ee ola)
Those pants are too cute! Gosh!!! I so envy your skills!!!!
Isn't it funny how now that you are an adult repairing clothing for the kids is normal? You hated it when you were a kid. Mom
They look like new pants, great idea.
You're so creative!
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