As you can see and hear my sister state in the video, my craftroom had become a craphole for everything from dog food to luggage to paint cans to.... whatever you can think of. It was basically a catch all room. No longer is that so. I am now writing you from my newly cleaned and organized, craftastic room. (Try to ignore the loud music, I have lost control of my home.)
Ella had to get in on the before.
stationary shelves a mess.
Miscelaneous items in the floor.
The shelves were packed with everything that belonged on the desk.
Sewing machine and notions.
Pictures that belong on the wall.
All of this stuff goes in garage sale.
Halfway there.
Getting there...
OH how I love my boooks! They are precious to me.
As well as my home magazines, if I have a macro lens you could see why... Martha, Country Living, Domino, Blueprint... all very inspirational.
I did narrow them down though and I am very proud of that due to the fact that I have had these magaizines and books for years because I could not let them go.
sewing corner.
Work station: this is where I will have my laptop most of the time.
Those paint cans are gone now.
Space for the kids to do their crafts in the floor while I do whatever.
The ironing board will be moved next to the shelves because my new treadmill is going to be in front of this window.
Closet Before.
Closet after.
A box of stuff for Miss Jamie is all that is left.